

22 from BOISE, ID, USA

Status: Build: average
Currently: singleEyes: blue
Height: 6ft. 5 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: a top Body art: piercings (ears), tattoos
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex, ask me

Age: between 18 and 35
His build: no preference
Sexually: bottom, versatile
Looking for: friends, email/chat, hookup/sex, love/ relationship, a date
Look and you may find
Just your average joe... I know right? My name is Zach, but people call me Zuko. I love puppies. I hate cats. I have a sister and a brother. I love grean beans. My mom is awesome. I like tuna. Candles smell nice. My friends rock my socks. I make my own music, if you know what I mean. Adam Brody is my boyfriend. I like all music, minus rap and heavy metal. I'm funny. I mean, funny like whoa. If you don't like me, oh well. I hate my life. Horror movies don't really scare me. I like the color blue. I wish I looked like a million bucks. I love my hair. I like drunken dancing, dialing, and falling. I can't say ambulance. Nicole Richie and I are best friends. I want to go to the moon. I'm gay and I love it. I have a dog named Drake New York is amazing. I'm scared of clowns. I slept with your boyfriend. I'm a bitch, and like being one. People are scared of me, don't know why. I've never dated. Talking is a hobby of mine. If I had a million dollars.... I like movies. Sex is a sport. The world is a beautiful place if you look deep enough. I like lesbians. Dryers put me to sleep. I'm very open and blunt. Don't fuck with me. I like to help others. I'm voted second best D.S. in Idaho, ask Andrea. I love fall. I'm a sucker for lifetime movies. Popcorn. "Where's the wind?" I'm princess Aurora. Reading is fun. Writing is better. I've done much, and regret little. I'm really self-concious but you wouldn't guess it. People laugh at me, and I like it
TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF - The survey for gay guys
What do you consider yourself?Gay
How old are you?22
Do you currently have a boyfriend?No
Are you a top or a bottom?Top
Have you ever had oral sex?Yes
Are you out?Yes
How many sexual partners have you had?6-20
Are you cut?Yes
Do you have any tattoos? 1-2
Do you have any piercings? 1-2
What kind of underwear do you wear?Breifs
Have you ever had sex in a public place?Yes
What gets you off the fastest?Blow jobs
Do you like to watch porn?No
Have you ever had group sex?Yes once
How big are you?Around 7 inches
What's your favorite sexual position?All of them
Do you have any naked pictures of yourself?No
At what age did you loose your virginity? 15
How often do you masterbate?A couple times a week
Survey by JustGuys - Find Hot Guys. Take the survey

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