


Status: Build: average
Currently: singleEyes: brown
Height: 6ft. 0 in.Ethnicity: African American
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: a top Body art: none
Looking for: friends

Age: between 18 and 28
His build: slim, average, athletic
Sexually: bottom
Looking for: friends, email/chat, hookup/sex, ask me
I'm just one of the family laid back chillin, I'd love to chat with ya'll . I just love people and want to here what you got to say. Believe it or not I hold an M.S. in Comp. Sci. But I work as a Sous Chef at a river boat here in Indiana. I'm a trained problem solver but cooking is my passion. There's no greater felling to her someone say "This the best salmon I've ever tasted" or wow "You have caluiflower on the bbq grill". Yes I can fill you up in more was than one way.. Hit me up.... IM me from my page if I'm online I'd like to meet YOU

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