

18 from FRISCO, TX, USA

Status: Build:
Currently: singleEyes:
Height: Ethnicity:
Hair: HIV:
Sexually: Body art:
Looking for: friends, love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex

Age: between 18 and 26
His build: no preference
Sexually: bottom, versatile
Looking for: hookup/sex, love/ relationship
north dallas boi
Hey world, this is ur boi Jay. let me tell u about myself a lil bit. i am 18 and in college, CCCC Cougars lol. i like drawing, working on my camry and tahoe and writing poems on my spare time. i like txting and talkin alot. my best friends are Salvador, Jazmine, Tyler and Brittany, Chris, Lucy,Phrod, and more.

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