20 - Carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: in an open relationship
Looking for: friends, email/chat, a date, hookup/sex
looking for something new!
i don't like to describe myself! know me.
22 - carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: in a committed relationship
Looking for: email/chat
hi every one ^^
hi my i like big things,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,xd
22 - Carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: single
Looking for: friends, ask me
I\'m not cocky, I\'m just better than you.
Just a good boy chilling! (your good latin lover)
<center>Take the quiz: <br><a
href ...
20 - Carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: single
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date
Soy una persona sociable a la que le gusta hacer
amistades de todo los lugares. Si deseas saber mas
18 - Carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: with someone special
Looking for: friends, email/chat, ask me
Here is the hot puertorican
Well just ask me...the_xrumor@hotmail.com
22 - carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: in an open relationship
Looking for: friends, email/chat, hookup/sex, ask me
here to make some friends
Here to make some new friends and explore alot
21 - carolina, Puerto Rico
Currently: ask me
Looking for: friends