


Status: Build: slim
Currently: singleEyes: brown
Height: 6ft. 0 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: blackHIV: negative
Sexually: a top, versatile Body art: none
Looking for: love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex, ask me

Age: between 18 and 24
His build: slim, average, athletic, no preference
Sexually: top, bottom, versatile, not looking for sex
Looking for: ask me
anything\'s possible

I love hiking, running, music, and lot's more. My biggest turn off is when guy's set ridgid standards...and they're always getting pissed off at you and making you feel like shit, just for being yourself.

email  cireeric22@live. com

cell/text:  3523621783


Groups: DIRTY BOI'S,

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