


Status: Build: chubby
Currently: singleEyes: brown
Height: 6ft. 1 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: versatile Body art: piercings (ears), piercings (elsewhere), tattoos
Looking for: friends, love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex

Age: between 24 and 32
His build: slim, average
Sexually: top, versatile
Looking for: friends, hookup/sex, love/ relationship, a date
Looking For....
I am fun loving person that sees the best in people. I have a big, giving heart that I would love to share with someone who deserves it. I love to go to concerts, movies and pretty much anything that will keep me entertained. I have a very vivid imagination and because of that I like to draw and write. I have been writing poetry since I was 12. I was published twice which was a great accomplishment for me. I like the fact that other people have read and enjoyed my work. I love to cook. Cooking is something that I take very seriously. It is something that should be done with lots of love and enthusiasm. I like to hang out with my friends. We go to the movies and clubs and dance our asses off. I don't drink much because I don't need to to have a good time. As much as I like to go out, I'd like to spend an evening in cooking for you and watching a movie. I love my family and friends. They are the most important people in my life. They make me laugh which is one of the greatest gifts that you can give someone. If you like what you have read so far then feel free to send me a message. I am on the shy side, but once we get to know each other I am one of the most open people that you will ever know.
Personality Survey Height / Weight:< td bgcolor=#D8F3F3>Are You Trustworthy:
About Me.....
Birthday / Zodiac Sign:Gemini
Birthplace:Detroit, MI
Places I Have Lived:Detroit, Canton, Westland, Dearborn, Livonia, Northville
Currently Living:Northville, MI
Heritage:Polish, Russian, Lebanese
Eye / Hair Color:Brown/Brown
Tattoos / How Many:Yes, 3 right now...More to come
Piercings / How Many:Yes, Both ears and tongue...also more to come
Clothing Style:Jeans & T-Shirt
Are You Republican/Democrat/Independent:Democrat
Shy or Outgoing:Shy
Funny or Serious:Funny
Do You Think You Are Attractive:No
Band/Musician:Kelly Clarkson
Estimate how many friends you have:Lots
Do You Like To Meet New People:Yes
Best Friend:Natasha
Love Life/Sex.....
Are You In Love:No
First Crush:A cute Goth boy..oh so long ago!!!
First Kiss:When I was 13
Are You Taken or Single? By whom:Single
Would You Give Your LIfe For A Loved One:Yes
Do You Have A Friend With Benefits:No
Have You Ever Cheated / Been Cheated On:I\'ve been cheated on
When And With Whom Did You Lose You Virginity:This is an answer for a later date
How Many Partners Have You Had:5
Do You Like Foreplay:Yes
Top Or Bottom:Bottom
When Was The Last Time You Had Sex:September 3, 2009
How Far Would You Go With Someone Of The Same Sex:Depending on the person...all the way
Have You Met Someone From The Internet:Once, it wasn\'t good.
Have You Slept With A Co-Worker:No
Are You / Have You / Do You.......
Curse Regularly:Not regularly
A Sports Fanatic:Not really
Have Scars:A couple
Been Out Of The Country:No
Believe In Ghosts:Yes
Broken Bones / How Many:My foot, when I was like 2
Had A Serious Surgery:Do tonsils count?
Been Beaten Up:Yes
Flashed Someone:No
Gone Skinny Dipping:No
Consumed Alcohol:Yes
For George W. Bush:No
Done Drugs:No
Taken Painkillers / Legally or Illegally:Yes
Past / Present / Future.....
What were you doing on 9/11/2001:Working
Something you would like to forget:A couple of things, they don\'t need to be said here
What are you thinking about:Wanting to find love
How do you feel right now:OK
What are you wearing:Pajamas
Something you would like to accomplish:Hopefully find love this year
Your thoughts on........
Gambling:OK, as long as your not obsessed
One Nation, Under God:Yes
Drugs:Only the legal kind that are prescribed by a physician
Illegal Immigrants:This is America, where people can come to be Free.
Gay Marriage:Should be legal
Death Penalty:yes
Downloading Music:I do it all the time
Terrorism:Needs to stop
What Made You Take This Survey:Bored!!!
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Created by , taken 11672 times.
Created at Kwiz.biz - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys!
Groups: Dude's That Cook,

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