

20 from SALEM, NH, USA

Status: Build: slim
Currently: singleEyes: blue
Height: 6ft. 0 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: a bottom Body art: piercings (elsewhere), tattoos
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date, hookup/sex

Age: between 18 and 99
His build: slim, average, athletic
Sexually: top, versatile
Looking for:
IM me on AIM: viajackcrunk :]
Hi, I'm Jack. I'm 20. I'm not you're average human being. Well, yea, I basically am. I was put on this Earth to make people laugh at my corny jokes, and sketchy pick-up lines. I don't think before I speak. I should probably learn how to, but who cares! I do as I please, and it's bomb. It's not hard to make me smile, and if you do make me smile I'll love you forever. I need a fucking life dude. & A boyfriend would be nice too, but I'd want a life more so than a boy. :P HOLLA AT CHA BOY

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