


Status: Build: chubby
Currently: singleEyes: brown
Height: 5ft. 11 in.Ethnicity: White
Hair: brownHIV: negative
Sexually: versatile Body art: none
Looking for: friends, email/chat, love/ relationship, a date, ask me

Age: between 18 and 24
His build: no preference
Sexually: ask me
Looking for: ask me
Just looking for a guy who makes me feel loved

I'm 5'11", weigh 255 lbs, have naturally brown hair (though it's more of a dark blonde at the moment) and brown eyes.

I'm not a flamboyant SoCal gay. I'm down to earth, enjoy reading, writing, playing games (of all kinds), seeing movies, and spending time with my friends and family.

I'd rather cuddle on a couch than go out to a club.

I'd rather cook dinner with someone special than go to a fancy restaurant.

I'd rather spend a vacation at an isolated cabin in the snowy mountains with close friends than go to the beach.

I'm a Christian with relatively liberal beliefs when it comes to the Bible and homosexuality.

Japanese architecture amazes me.

Music is one of my cures when I'm in a bad mood.

Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are fun, but when I'm down, the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack lights me up more.

My favorite movies include The Lion King and Hercules.

If you can sing to me I'll love you forever (double points if you can play the guitar or piano).

I'm the loudest, most funny person in a room if I'm comfortable around the people in it. Otherwise, I come across as quiet and shy.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends."

If you can name that last quote, you're already on the right track.

I'm ambitious, and if you're not too, I'll leave you in the dust.

I'm open-minded and always ready to meet new people, so hit me up!


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